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Platelet Rich Fibrin

What is Platelet Rich Fibrin?

Platelet-Rich Fibrin treatment maximises the body’s own healing power to rejuvenate and preserve youthful skin. Platelet Rich Fibrin is an advanced form of platelet rich plasma which does not use anticoagulants or other chemical-based additives, therefore offers a completely natural treatment free from any risk of allergic reactions.

A concentration of growth factors and cells is extracted from your blood and re-injected to promote the regeneration of cells resulting in firmer, plumper skin, and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

How does Platelet Rich Fibrin work?

The activated platelets contain release growth factors like platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor (TGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) as well as peptides, cytokines and immune cells in the blood that help with healing; the monocytes. These agents are released from the platelets during administration of PRP and start a cascade of signalling to the cells in the skin to regenerate. PRF stimulates greater dermal skin fibroblast cell migration and proliferation and collagen synthesis. The extracellular matrix of the dermis is remodelled and new vessels are formed. It has also been shown that fat cells in the subcutaneous tissue are induced to multiply and enlarge.

As a result, there is an improvement in fine wrinkles, skin homogeneity and texture and the skin appears rejuvenated and more youthful.

Visible results appear after the first PRP treatment with sustained activity over the following months, because of the extended release of various growth and differentiation factors from activated platelets.

What does it treat?

PRF is an effective treatment that reduces the signs of ageing; slows down the ageing process when used preventatively; and helps to improve acne scarring. A potent treatment for facial rejuvenation, it improves skin tone, texture and enlarged pores.

Specifically, this treatment can effectively and drastically improve the appearance of hollow eyes and dark circles, as well as reduce nasolabial folds, marionette lines, peri-oral lines and skin of neck, chest and hands.

As one of the best anti-ageing treatments, it boosts the natural production of collagen and elastin so that you can achieve firmer, healthier, younger-looking skin as the months pass by. It can also be used to prevent a depletion of collagen starting in younger patients who want to prevent the ageing process.

PRF therapy has been clinically proven to be effective in reversing both male and female pattern hair loss and baldness (androgenic alopecia). PRF can also treat thinning hair resulting from iron deficiency, metabolic causes, telogen effluvium and medication. PRF treatments can also restore hair growth of the beard or eyebrows in some patients.

Details of the procedure

Following a thorough consultation, your doctor will start by collecting a sample of your blood. The sample is then spun in a centrifuge machine to separate the red blood cells from the platelet layer containing growth factors, heavier white blood cells, stem cells and fibrin. While the sample is being prepared, a topical local anaesthetic cream is applied to the skin to numb the area for treatment.

The PRF is collected and a fibre mesh comprised of platelet rich-fibrin and a concentration of growth factors is prepared for injection and microneedling into the targeted treatment area. The injection process should take no longer than 15 minutes.

What is the difference between Platelet Rich Fibrin and Platelet Rich Plasma treatments?

PRF shows a significantly greater ability to induce collagen matrix synthesis when compared to platelet rich plasma (PRP). Hence PRF offers superior results in skin rejuvenation than the conventional PRP.

The difference between PRP and PRF lies predominantly in how your blood is collected. The procedure for the classic PRP facial involves taking a sample of blood and separating the platelets into two distinct layers— a platelet-rich layer and a platelet-poor layer— by spinning the sample at a high speed in a centrifuge. An anti-coagulant is added, which removes the fibrin from the blood, causing it to thin and prevent the blood from clotting.

Whereas, for PRF, your blood is spun at a lower speed so that heavier white blood cells, stem cells, and fibrin remain in the platelet layer. The slow spin also means fewer cells are damaged which leaves a higher concentration of healing platelets.

PRF contains approximately 10 times the platelet concentration that is found within the body, whereas PRP contains roughly 2-5 times. With PRF, no anticoagulants are added. This allows for the creation of a spongy fibrin matrix that signals the platelets to release their growth factors slowly, meaning longer-lasting results. The effects of PRP last for approximately 3 months; with PRF this is extended to 6 months.

The final difference is how the treatments are used. For skin rejuvenation PRP is typically performed as a microneedling session while PRF is injected like a filler with a needle and cannula. The fibrin and slow-release growth factors in PRF build volume in the skin, so this natural filler is a wonderful alternative to synthetic filler.

When will I see the results of my PRF treatment?

You will notice a visible improvement as early as a week following your treatment which continues to improve over time. We recommend a series of 3 to 4 treatment sessions four weeks apart.

How long do treatment results last?

Following a course of PRF injections results will typically last up to 1 year after the first treatment session in most patients. Touch-up treatments may be needed to maintain the desired effect depending on the extent of ageing and skin concerns.

Can I go to work afterwards?

Yes, you can return to work after treatment, but in the case of eye rejuvenation, you’re often quite swollen here afterwards. The skin can be quite red and if you’ve received mesotherapy injections of the PRF you may have pinpoint red dots where the needle entered. You shouldn’t apply any make up to your face for 24 hours, so it is best to schedule your PRF treatment when you have no immediate commitments. You may get some bruising at some of the injection sites that may last for up to a week.

Can you combine PRF with other treatments?

Patients can also combine the PRF treatment with Radio Frequency and Micro needling to enhance collagen stimulation with growth and vascular factors.

When combined these two treatments can work to break apart collagen bundles in the superficial layers of the dermis while helping to induce more collagen under the epidermis. The treatment can also help to disperse clusters of melanin which are responsible for the dark spots on the skin.

PRF can also be used as a treatment in conjunction with Thread Lifts, significantly improving skin tension and volume with supreme skin rejuvenation.

Alternatively, you can upgrade your classic filler, by blending it with PRF to boost your complexion and give skin a wonderful radiance.

Treatment Summary

Procedure Time

45 mins


lidocaine numbing cream

Back to work

next day usually

Results/Duration of results

3 - 4 weeks for results / 12 - 18 months duration

Level of discomfort


No. of treatments

a course of 3 treatments is recommended

Cost for Platelet Rich Fibrin with microneedling


Side effects

minor puffiness, redness and possible bruising

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