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Blush Clinic is a unique clinic
We understand that beauty, health, mental well-being, and hormonal well-being are not separate individual facets to a human being but are all intricately interlinked.
At Blush the medical model of treatment is observed, which means treatments are based upon a thorough consultation and making bespoke treatment plans for each patient to make a difference to each person’s skin health, appearance and overall well-being. We aim to provide an honest, reliable, evidence-based service to patients.
At Blush Clinic we combine medicine, science, and beauty, hence Blush is affiliated with beauty partner: Rebecca (Bex Beauty) who is a trained beauty therapist.
Dr. Rowena Hughes
I’m Dr. Rowena Hughes, MB BCh, BAO, DDerm, aMRCPath, MSc Pharm Med, PGDip HEcon, MBA. I worked for 10 years in the HSE as a hospital doctor, followed by an exciting career in the pharmaceutical industry supporting the development and launch of new drugs in oncology, cardiovascular and dermatology.